These retreats are super affordable...
You only have to pay for the lodging, and pens for horses if you bring one.
However, bringing a horse is not necessary.
And you do not know how to ride.
This is NOT riding lessons.
The instruction part is free will donation, if you so choose.
I know this is the hottest time of year in Nebraska. But no worries… our morning are usually very cool. So we will do outside things with horses in early morning.
The hottest part of the day will be indoors (AC) with Bible teaching and study time.
Then if evenings are cool enough, we will be outside, (Firepit and prayer in the corncrib gazebo, and possible short trail ride as sunsets)
Each retreat is limited to 5 people.
Bring your own horse. You don't even have to bring a horse you can just come and be an observer. Note: I no longer provide lease horses for lessons or riding.
You do not need to know how to ride. This is not a horsemanship/riding lessons clinic…
it is much more than that.
We will see what horses can teach us about our relationship with God.
We will examine our relationship with a horse and with God.
We will grow and learn together about our faith.
A Bible study guide is normally provided. But in 2024 you will get a book.
Bring your own Bible and notebook.
Time to reflect and relax on your own, as well as teaching time with the group.
You will also get free access to Sherry's ebook "21 Days of Encouragement"
Meals are NOT provided. (depending on the group we either do potluck, or it is only 1 mile to town for restaurants)
However, in 2024 our theme is Lemons, and I will provide several lemony treats.
And a special gift is always included.
Riding lessons are not included, but are available on your own horse
if time permits at extra cost.
You can come the day before or stay an extra day if you want lessons.
This Retreat is a free will donation for the instructional part..
ministry, all books, handouts, and treats.
There is a fee for Lodging, horse pens and lease horses.
Horse Lover's Bunkhouse Discounted Rates just for
Spirit Horse and Art retreats.
* Single person reserve the whole place $80/night
* 2 people $100/night
* 3 people $135/night
* 4 people $160/night
* 5 people $175/night
Tax in not included add 11%
Outdoor or Indoor Stalls
* $15/night/horse + tax 5.5%
*Indoor stalls $25/nigh/horse + tax
Bedding is extra if you don't bring your own.
NOTE: I no longer provide lease horses for lessons or riding.
Riding lessons are not included, but are available on your own horse
if time permits at extra cost.
You can come the day before or stay an extra day if you want lessons
For reservations Call Sherry at 308-730-2150
“I’ve always loved Jesus but I didn’t give him much of my time. Since the 1st time that I came out to your place to ride, I started to feel such a strong pull from GOD and I couldn’t ignore HIM. Sherry, your strength and powerful messages have kept me going. You have truly touched my life. Thank you Sherry!! Much Love!
““I’ve always loved Jesus but I didn’t give him much of my time.
Since the 1st time that I came out to your place to ride,
I started to feel such a strong pull from GOD and I couldn’t ignore HIM.
Thank GOD!!
Sherry, Your strength and powerful messages have continued to
keep me going along with joining my church, Bible study
and I started singing in the choir.
I keep Jesus close by all day long with my love of Christian music.
My heart is SO full of gratitude to have GOD so strongly in my life.
You have truly touched my life.
Thank you Sherry!! Much Love!”
First off, thank you so much Chris for the wonderful testimony.
I am so blessed to be a part of your journey with Jesus.
Chirs has been twice and is coming back two more times this year 2024.
And she is bringing friends and her daughter.
Thank you, Chris, for encouraging others to come.
This year I almost gave up on doing the Spirit Horse Retreats.
I felt people just weren't interested in them.
I won't lie it has been a struggle to get them going.
I understand most people just want to come and ride the thousands of acres
available here in the beautiful Sandhills of NE.
But then people like Chris help me remember why I do it.
It’s not about me, but about the people who need more of Jesus in their lives.
It’s about fellowship and learning together.
It’s about sharing love, grace, and prayer.
It’s about changing lives.
I am so positive that God has called me to this ministry.
and so even if only one person comes.
I will not stop blessing others and changing lives with His help.
I go to Christian retreats myself for revival and refreshing..
I am always so glad I took the time to go.
God never disappoints.
In March of 2024 I invited Chris to join me
at the “Be Brave” women’s conference in Grand Island, and she went.
She said, “thanks for inviting me.
yesterday truly will change my life forever! Thank you!!”
Well Chris I say, anytime you enter the presence Of Jesus
and are the anointing of the Holy Spirit, your life is changed…
Mine was too.
Some events in life change us forever. Many of us can remember an experience
Where we could say, “I will never be the same again!”
I have had several experiences like this. In January 2024 I had another one.
As the years pass, sometimes these life changing experiences become a bit of a blur.
Isn't it interesting that events that transform our lives events that
shape our destiny or change our future, even though we may not have thought too much about them at the time—are events that we remember forever.
I suppose most of us can point back perhaps even to a single moment,
one a particular experience, or somebody we met, which has
radically changed the direction of our future lives.
God showed me the birth of Jesus, the Crucifixion and Resurrection
were significant moments in history that changed everything.
They could easily be described as ‘turning points’ or ‘life changers’
because everything changed after each of these events.
The moment Jesus was born, things would never be the same again.
Throughout His earthly life, Jesus was a Teacher and a Healer and so much more.
He changed people’s lives on earth and He is still doing it.
Also, the moment Jesus spoke His final words, died on the cross
and then rose again three days later, everything changed;
Luke 24:6 ‘He is not here; He has risen!’
This is the very moment when for all those who believe and have given their hearts to Jesus,
that death was defeated.
Jesus didn’t just change lives on earth but crucially secured their eternity with Him.
In this one moment everything changed, things would never be the same again.
Satan was defeated and the gates of heaven opened, all because of one moment.
We have no idea of knowing the precise moment when Jesus will come back for us,
but in that ‘one moment’, our eternal destiny will be decided,
one moment that will change our eternal life forever!
For those who currently do not know still have an opportunity to make a choice
to give your heart to Him. The choice is time limited because
it can only be made while we are still alive!
None of us know how long we have left or when Jesus will return.
The clock is ticking before the door to the banquet is closed,
‘One choice, one moment and everything can change’.
We all have 'one moment' right now,
but what do we choose to do with it?
For years people have been enjoying our riding lessons, trail rides, internships, etc.
Two years ago I hosted our first art retreats.
They were a great hit.
These three girls enjoyed there time, and want to come back again this year.
This is for both adults or kids.
Novice artists are welcome. Level doesn't matter.
We can go outside in the cool of the morning, groom and hang out with horses in the corrals or pasture; go for a walk and take some pictures for inspiration.
Then as the day heats up…will take advantage of the AC… As we paint or draw inside.
In the evening we can enjoy a firepit in the corncrib gazebo… as we talk about our day and show our artwork.
No need to bring a horse, unless you want to.
You could even go for a trail ride as the sun sets, if you desire.
NOTE: I no longer provide lease horses for lessons or riding.
Each retreat is limited to 5 people.
Riding lessons are available upon request and are extra charge. See our cost page.
Please bring your own art supplies. We can make a suggestion on what to bring.
Or you can use mine for a free will donation if you are completely new to art.
Time to reflect and relax on your own, as well as time to create your own artwork on your own, or with help from Sherry, if you like.
You will also get free access to Sherry's ebook "21 Days of Encouragement"
Meals are NOT provided. (depending on the group we either do potluck, or it is only 1 mile to town for restaurants)
Riding lessons are not included, but are available if time permits at extra cost.
This Retreat is a free will donation for the instructional part, and art supplies.
There is a fee for Lodging, horse pens and lease horses.
Horse Lover's Bunkhouse Discounted Rates for Art Retreats
* Single person reserve the whole place $80/night
* 2 people $100/night
* 3 people $135/night
* 4 people $160/night
* 5 people $1752/night
Tax in not included add 11%
Outdoor or Indoor Stalls
* $15/night/horse + tax 5.5%
*Indoor stalls $25/nigh/horse + tax
Bedding is extra if you don't bring your own.
NOTE: I no longer provide lease horses for lessons or riding.
Riding lessons are not included, but are available on your own horse
if time permits at extra cost.
Reservations Call Sherry at 308-730-2150
If you don't see a dates on our schedule that work for you, just Call sherry 308-730-2150 and she will work out dates especially for you and your friends. I have done retreats for as few as two people. But prefer at least 4. Each retreat is customized, each one different, because of this many peo come more than once.