If you ever thought, I wonder why my horse does that, I wish my horse would do this or that, I wish my horse wouldn't do this or that, I just want to feel safe and have more success and fun with my horse. Then our programs are for you!
When you visit Sherry at Horse Lover's Bunkhouse near Burwell, NE you will have fun while you learn and enjoy the beauty of the Sandhills (over 100,000 acres to ride on)
is s to help both the horse and rider become even more successful by presenting a balanced foundation from which you can build a confident, trusting, respectful relationship, without sacrificing the spirit of either the horse or the human.
is to offer every horse lover an even better partnership with your horse so you both enjoy a safe ride with confidence and harmony.
is to present individualized programs designed to meet the needs of horse lovers so you become even better horsemen.
Put your heart in your hand. Your hands tell the horse who you are through your rhythm, feel, timing, and balance. Your hands communicate to your horse what is in your heart. When we have light hands it causes us to be light throughout our whole body, even the mind. Our hands are special instruments. Everything from a piano concerto to brain surgery are performed with precise human dexterity. The eyes are said to be windows to the soul but the hands are directly connected to the heart. We can’t be impatient, angry or aggressive and still have light hands. But when we consciously and deliberately lighten our hands our heart and entire being follows. Horses respond positively to hands that speak with certainty and kindness from the heart. '
So remember the next time you are inclined to turn up the pressure, first try softening your hands. You just might be surprised at the result.
You will be on a life changing journey where you will
win your horse's heart, gain a new level of confidence,
leadership & communication skills
that will also transfer to other areas of your life.